Feb 25, 2016

SurePods Launches Noteworthy Projects

Updated: Sep 2, 2020

February has been a busy and yet exciting month at SurePods. On the East Coast, our Orlando plant is busy with the production of the Fairhaven Assisted Living project. On the West Coast, the Madera plant is in full-scale production for both the Wilshire Grand Hotel in Los Angeles and Hilton Embassy Suites in Seattle.

February brought several client groups into our factories which is a key part of the SurePods experience.

Fairhaven Assisted Living Project Birmingham, AL

General contractor, Golden Construction traveled to the Orlando plant from Birmingham, Alabama to inspect the first article for their Fairhaven project. Golden is utilizing prefabricated bathroom pods and structural wall panels with an integrated floor system to construct 3 buildings with 143 units of Assisted Living, Long Term Care, and Short Term Stay. The owner of the project is Methodist Homes of Alabama and Northwest Florida and the architect is Action Pact Design. Geoff Golden, President of Golden Construction is an advocate of lean construction principals which was one of the reasons he and his team chose to incorporate SurePods in the Fairhaven project. Like many commercial construction projects, the schedule benefit of using SurePods was another key driver.

The first article inspection went exceedingly well and SurePods was able to launch into full-scale production.

The Embassy Suites project team made a familiar trip to SurePods Madera plant for inspection of the first article bathroom pod. The Embassy Suites project is under construction in the SoDo neighborhood of Seattle, next to Century Link Field, home of Seahawks Stadium. Sodo Builders, the general contractor on the project, is a repeat client who SurePods worked with back in 2014 on the LA Live Marriott project. Sodo Builders was an excellent client who used their innovative mindset to leverage the benefits of using prefabricated bathroom pods. American Life is the developer for both the Embassy Suites and the former LA Live project.

Sodo Builders reported they were able to save 8 weeks from their construction schedule on the LA Live project by incorporating SurePods. On this second Embassy Suites project, Sodo Builders is confident they will be able to save time, provide the developer, American Life, with superior quality bathrooms and deal more effectively with the logistics of building in a tight urban setting.

The Embassy Suites project is a 282 room hotel with a $244 million budget. The project team met with SurePods manufacturing and project management teams at the Madera plant earlier this month to inspect the first article in the manufacturing run. The first article inspection is an integral part of the SurePods process that allows the team to inspect the design and sign off on the quality level prior to the factory launching full-scale production.

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